Personalized Assisted Care based on Risk Assessment for each employee.

UFINITY enables Employees & Care Providers identify health risks early on, set preventive health goals as well as manage existing conditions better, based on 360° view of data, predictive analytics and continuous care collaboration.

A dedicated Health Coach will help set-up health profiles for each employee and family members, set personalized health goals based on consultation with a physician, monitor progress periodically and provide continued coaching to ensure goals are on track & minimize complications that lead to hospitalization.

What do you get?

Healthier employees, improved engagement & productivity at lower costs on a unified health platform.

Healthier Employees

Adapt to shifting employee preferences in terms of work-life balance and health & wellbeing. Partner with their families to focus on prevention and in managing existing chronic conditions for better engagement & productivity.

Better Employee Engagement

Experienced Health Coaches will engage employees and their families one-on-one to set & achieve their health goals and monitor proactively for timely intervention based on predictive analytics & continuous care collaboration.

Mental & Behavioral Health

Feelings of anxiety, isolation, fear and sadness seem prevalent in the age of COVID-19. The Health Coach and mental health care givers will help employees deal with anxiety through counselling and minimize complications.

Predictive Employee Insights

Get insights on disease prevalence in employees to devise personalized care coverage strategies at optimal insurance premiums. Employee engagement insights to monitor, predict & shift to preventive care collaboration.

Reduced Cost, Higher Efficiency

Ability to segment employees based on health conditions and lifestyle choices will drive better visibility into cost & outcomes. Track Employee Well-being Index to reduce costs by minimizing risk of hospitalizations & readmissions.

Better Employer Branding

Establish a better branding to attract new talent as well as retain existing employees with an effective employee health & wellbeing program that offers personalized assisted care based on risk assessment for their dependents.

How does this work?

UFINITY enables personalized, assisted care based on risk assessment for each employee based on 360° view of data, predictive analytics and continuous care collaboration on a unified platform.


1 Set-Up


Sign-up & subscribe to a solution customized for your company. Recommend health assessments to your employees and dependents.

2 Onboard Employees


The UFINITY Health Coach will assist each employee in setting up health goals in consultation with a physician & ensure adherence via monitoring/coaching.

3 Drive Ongoing Engagement


Personalized care and better outcomes with continuous monitoring & coaching by the Health Coach, predictive analytics and Artificial Intelligence.